Analisis Dampak Lalulintas Pembangunan Pusat Perbelanjaan:
Studi Kasus Plaza Ambarukmo

Ahmad Munawar
Magister Sistem dan Teknik Transportasi, Jurusan Teknik Sipil dan Lingkungan,
Fakultas Teknik, Universitas Gadjah Mada, Yogyakarta


 Analisis dampak lalulintas merupakan bagian dari analisis mengenai dampak lingkungan, Analisis ini diperlukan pada suatu rencana pembangunan suatu pusat kegiatan, yang diperkirakan akan memberikan dampak terhadap arus lalulintas di sekitarnya. Metoda yang digunakan adalah dengan memperkirakan dampak lalulintas jika dibangun pusat kegiatan tersebut, dan usaha yang dilakukan untuk mengatasinya. Penerapan metodologi ini diuraikan dengan studi kasus analisis dampak lalulintas pembangunan Plaza Ambarrukmo di Yogyakarta. Pertama-tama dilakukan survai lalulintas, geometri di sekitarnya, serta tata bangunan plaza tersebut. Hasil analisis memberikan rekomendasi tentang perbaikan-perbaikan lingkungan Plaza Ambarrukmo tersebut, termasuk ruas-ruas jalan di sekitarnya guna menghindari kemacetan yang mungkin terjadi akibat pembangunan plaza tersebut.

Keywords : dampak lalulintas, pusat perbelanjaan, lingkungan, Plaza Ambarukmo

Distribution of Water Resources Potential in Jambusari Area, District Cilacap, Central Java Using Geoelectrical Method

Sismanto, Edy Hartantyo, and Mochamad Nukman
University Gadjah Mada, Indonesia


Government of District Cilacap in Central Java plans to develop some new tourism product especially in scientific perception on Jambusari area. This area is potential to be a scientific recreational area in thefuture. Jambusari is located in the border of district Cilacap-Banyumas at Cilacap-Wangon highway. Unfortunately, Jambusari is lack of shallow ground source. For supplying the water to Jambusari for sustainability of tourism, it needs geological information and distribution of water resources in subsurface. This information can be found by geoelectrical sounding survey on the surface. The 10-point measurements of geoelectrical sounding were performed in August 25 to 29, 2007 by McOhm Mark-2 model 2115. The results show that the water resources are located in the depth of (20-30) m for shallow water as a first aquifer that it is not so significant water assets and the second aquifer is (60-80) m in depth. The second aquifer is a potential water resource to be exploited. The water of both aquifers flow to westward as long as the syncline that it has a direction to northwest southeast. The distance of the central syncline is about 700 m from point 7 of geoelectrical measurement.

Keywords : Jambusari Cilacap, geoelectrical, water resources, geology

Future Water Management Problems in Asian Megacities

Dieter Prinz1; Any Juliani2; Widodo Brontowiyono3

1Institute of Water and River Basin Management, Section of Rural Engineering, University of Karlsruhe, D-76128 Karlsruhe, Germany

2,3Lecturers, Environmental Engineering, UII, Yogyakarta, Indonesia



Today, about half of the world population lives in urban areas and in the coming 20 years, urbanization is expected to increase steadily, especially in the Developing World. Based on UN data and projections, about 4 out of the 5 billion world urban population will live in developing countries by 2030. Large cities in the Developing World face the problem of unplanned growth, coupled with the financial and operational inability to offer the public services needed to sustain a decent life in urban environments. Water is one of those essential commodities which is often short in supply and/or of low quality. Additionally, flood poses a threat to urban dwellers during rainy season. The water management challenges in tropical urban areas today and in the decades to come can be characterized by (1) fighting physical shortcomings in water resources, (2) coping with contamination of groundwater, rivers, lakes, and reservoirs by domestic, agricultural or industrial waste and waste water, (3) mitigating environmental impacts of water extraction (such as loss of wetlands, subsidence and seawater intrusion), (4) preventing / mastering flood situations and (5) overcoming administrative and financial strains and operational incapacities. Solutions to the problems of urban water in 20 years time are to be found in supply side and demand side measures. The first group includes (1) optimal use of surface water and groundwater resources, (2) pollution protection, (3) watershed management and (4) more water storage. The second group includes (1) educational training, (2) technological innovation, (3) water conservation and (4) water pricing.

Keywords : water resources, urbanization, water management, Asia

Ini merupakan Edisi Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Lingkungan Volume 2 No 1 Januari Tahun 2010. Jurnal ini memuat artikel yang berkaitan dengan gagasan dan hasil-hasil penelitian di bidang rekayasa lingkungan dan ilmu-ilmu lain yang terkait dengan bidang rekayasa lingkungan.

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Jurnal Sains dan Teknologi Lingkungan diterbitkan berkala setahun dua kali setiap bulan Januari dan Juni oleh Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan, Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan (FTSP), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) Yogyakarta.

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Puji syukur kami panjatkan kehadirat Allah yang telah memberi jalan dan kemudahan sehingga Jurnal – edisi perdana – Sains dan Teknologi Lingkungan dari Jurusan Teknik Lingkungan Fakultas Teknik Sipil dan Perencanaan (FTSP), Universitas Islam Indonesia (UII) ini bisa diterbitkan.

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