This laboratory was built to meet the demands and challenges of waste and hazardous waste management problems in Indonesia. Apart from carrying out academic and research activities, in accordance with the Catur Dharma of Universitas Islam Indonesia, this laboratory also provides services to external parties in analytical services related to its competencies. This laboratory will be equipped with modern equipments, experienced analysts and technicians, supported by research staffs who specialized in the field of waste and hazardous waste management.
It is important to carry out analysis and characterization of solid/sludge and hazardous waste with multiple targets, namely:
– Knowing the composition and initial characteristics of waste
– Knowing the possibility of treatment and recycling potential
– Knowing the handling treatment that should be carried out
– Predicting the impact of waste and hazardous waste handling on humans and the environment
Apart from efforts to reduce waste before it is formed, in general waste handling includes:
> Reduction Activities
> Waste Container
> Transport
> Treatment and recycle
> Recovery
> Destruction
> Landfilling
These activities can have an impact on the waste itself as well as on humans and the surrounding environment. This requires laboratory analysis, such as:
> General waste composition and characterization
> Characterization of leachate from a landfill and its possible treatment
> Characteristics and potential of biogas from a landfill (TPA)
> Energy potential characteristics of waste
> Characterization of ash from waste combustion
> Characterization of sludge/slurry resulting from wastewater treatment
> Characterization of hazardous waste, such as Toxicity Characteristic Leaching Procedure (TCLP)
> Characterization of the results of solidification and mixing of materials

Provision of Consulting Services
Apart from providing laboratory services, this laboratory also provides consulting services to answer various problems in handling solid and hazardous waste in a more comprehensive manner, with the support of reliable facilities and human resources. Consulting services can take the form of analysis of management alternatives and impacts:
> Collection, container system, and transportation system
> Waste treatment through composting, incinerators, and gasification
> Recovery, recycle
> Resource Efficiency
> Waste treatment through solidification-stabilization
> Impact and potential for bio-gas recovery from landfilling technology
> As well as other non-technical aspects in managing waste and hazardous waste
Laboratory Equipments
- Sampling tools (sample box, digital scale, volume meter)
- Gas Chromatograph (GC)
- Spectrum Photometer, pH meter, Conductivity
- Rotary agitator
- Furnace
- Heat analysis
- Pyrolysis
Laboratory Equipments
- Sampling tools (sample box, digital scale, volume meter)
- Gas Chromatograph (GC)
- Spectrum Photometer, pH meter, Conductivity
- Rotary agitator
- Furnace
- Heat analysis
- Pyrolysis